February 17, 2015 Filament SEO Specialist

Changes in the Field of SEO

People working in the field of Search Engine Optimization have to be incredibly flexible and embrace change. This is a field that constantly changes and being able to adapt and stay ahead of the curve is what makes you successful. So, let’s look at how the field has changed and the role has evolved in the last few years.

Great SEO Experts are also fantastic writers. Content is vital in the SEO world and in successful websites. If you, yourself, are not a great writer then you need to have one on the team or an excellent freelancer on contract.

Knowing and understanding the user is an emerging area of SEO and going to become more and more vital. The user experience needs to be foremost in the SEO specialist’s head.

Marketing is more important than ever in the world of SEO as earning links takes on a more important role, while at the same time becoming more difficult to do. The smart SEO specialists are constantly working on getting that viral video – or at least one that their visitors like enough to share.

Social used to be a separate aspect of a web presence and marketing but it’s wrapping into the SEO world and the two harmonize quite nicely. The paragraph above is the best example of why knowing your audience and playing to them is the sign of a great SEO approach.

If you’d like to learn more about SEO or would like to see how Filament can help your SEO approach please explore our website and/or contact us.

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