Are you in e-commerce or online retail sales? If you are, then we’ve got some secrets to share that can help you get a better return on investment. If you’re not, these secrets may actually be transferred (although they will need a little modification) to basic web content for any website.
First of all, let’s look at your return on investment (ROI). The most important thing to consider here is where you’re investing that money. Was it all spent on creating a flashy, interactive website only to let the product descriptions fall by the wayside? This is one of the big mistakes that new websites, and even some of the really well-established ones, occasionally make. Which brings us to …
Invest in speaking to your audience through the product descriptions. Don’t settle for a bland, one liner. Know your audience. Do some target demographic research if necessary and then speak directly to the type of person who is going to engage with your brand. Don’t waste your time trying to appeal to everyone… focus on creating rapport with those people who actually buy from you.
Be accurate. Make sure that the information you are giving your potential customers is accurate. If this requires a little research, or maybe even a lot of research, do it. In the long run those sales and happy customers will make up for the time on the front end. If you’ve provided the wrong information and a customer feels misled in their purchase and slams you on social media, what is that worth to you? Protecting your reputation and maintaining trust is definitely worth a little expense and time.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical. You don’t have to become an SEO expert to write better product descriptions, but it does help to think like one or to think like your ideal customer. Select a few keywords that best describe each product. It’s critical that you think like a customer here, not like an insider. Do some research to see which of these keywords is most frequently used by consumers and use that word/phrase in a natural way in your product description. This takes some skill, but it makes all the difference in the world.
The key to gather from our Secrets To Writing Better Product Descriptions is to focus on honest, reliable words that your customers actually use. It sounds pretty logical, but it’s often a step that some web retailers dismiss. That misstep can result in the loss of valuable sales.
If you’d like to learn more , contact Filament about creating a web retail strategy to boost your online sales!