February 8, 2014 Filament SEO Specialist

How to Create Effective Marketing Emails

Marketing emails are extremely cost effective. With a low set up cost and virtually no maintenance and upkeep, you get to reach your audience without the expense of traditional marketing. In addition, if you cull the email addresses from your valued customers who give you their information, you’re more likely to actually reach your target audience.

So, why do so many marketing emails go unread and have little or no impact on the recipients – or worse – they are an annoying nuisance? The answer is pretty simple: because the sender is doing it wrong. Just because email marketing is inexpensive doesn’t mean that it should be treated like an afterthought or a low priority. The following email marketing tips can help you improve the response to your campaigns so you can see your ROI skyrocket.

Don’t spam! This is quite simply the most important rule of email marketing. Each audience is different so there is no rule of thumb, but sending too many emails is the fastest way to get blocked from an email address. You also need to pay attention to what you’re saying in those emails; obvious and worthless information is quickly classified as spam.

Remember who you’re talking to. If these are valuable customers who gave you their information, treat them as such and value their business with deals and information that they’ll appreciate. If you’re reaching out to new customers, offer something that is truly enticing and will introduce them to your wonderful company. Do not flood established customers with great deals for signing up, this will not only aggravate them, but make them feel as if you value new customers more than old ones.

Identify yourself. Be clear about who you are and what the email is about. Clever headlines are for newspapers and tabloids; stick to the facts.

Pay attention to your results. While email marketing is cost effective, that doesn’t mean that it’s completely hands off. Not only do you need to do a bit of work on the front end, you also need to pay attention to the back end. Keep track of which emails get opened and which links they follow or which coupons are used. This data gives you vital information that can help you tailor future email campaigns for even greater success.

Filament has bright ideas to help you create a successful email marketing campaign. Contact us and start a successful email marketing campaign today.


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