January 19, 2016 Filament SEO Specialist

Ideas for successful SEO Marketing Campaigns in 2016

Looking for the best SEO strategy for 2016? Well, we’ve got some SEO tips that can help you find those valuable website visitors.

Mobile – In 2015 you were sort of “forced” into mobile if you wanted to keep your rankings up and move them forward. It wasn’t nearly as painful as people predicted but then it stalled. 2016 is the year to pick mobile up again and really run with it.

Content – Creating engaging content that is keyword-rich with today’s seamless approach can be difficult, but it’s vital to achieve successful SEO marketing campaigns. This is where Filament can really help you shine. If you’re going to do the work yourself, be prepared to create a conversation that your visitor wants to be a part of and will bring into their social sphere.

Content Strategy – We’re underscoring the importance of content here by stressing that you cannot going in and willy-nilly throw words, images and videos on a page. A review of your website, the keywords that matter to you, your audience make up and your goals needs to happen to create a strategy for content, SEO, customer service and everything else down the line. Planning means everything.

There’s An App for You – Create an app and use search engine optimization on that app. Google is leaning this way and it’s going to be the wave of the future for all websites so it’s best to get your toes wet now and work those kinks out early for greater success later.

Be Social – Social is not going away and you need to be involved. People trust what their friends have to say about a product, service, website, etc., they also develop brand recognition when your material is shared repeatedly and these key placement wins add up to loyal fans. Get in that dialogue and be someone others want to talk to.

SEO has evolved so much that it hardly looks like the animal it initially started out to be. Start with the initial premise that you’re trying to be found on a search engine by the most people possible, and then evolve to the point where you realize you really only want to be found by those people who you care about and who care about you. Then take this evolution to the next step and really engage with those people by creating a BFF situation,and you’ve suddenly reached SEO in 2016.

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