July 24, 2015 Filament Social Media Marketing Specialist

Mobile Social Media Marketing

Mobile use has grown to the point that it’s no longer just a consideration in our marketing strategies – mobile social media marketing has to be a priority.

Every brand has different marketing goals. When it comes to social media marketing, it’s important that your marketing goals fit your various social media channels as well.

Once you’ve determined which social media platforms are most effective for your brand, you have to decide how your brand’s voice fits best within those platforms.

Then, you have to make it all mobile-friendly so it works well for mobile customers.

Consider first whether you’re selling a product or service. Product marketing tends to be more visual – featuring more pictures, whereas service marketing is generally more conversational – using more words. However, when it comes to mobile marketing, both pictures and words have to be served up in “bite sized” portions. Mobile users expect quick, easy information that’s easily accessible on-the-go.

Here are some key elements that will make your social media strategies more “responsive” for mobile use.



First of all, remember that content and keywords are still very important when it comes to mobile marketing. The difference is that you need to focus on hyperlocal keywords and content since mobile users often search for places and information within 10 miles of their home.

Consider providing opt-ins for your customers so they can be notified when you have special offers in their area, and/or so they can plan to take advantage of your offers when they’re travelling through your neighborhood.



The “Contact Us” tab on your mobile site is a given. (Right?) Aside from being easy to find, this tab should include all of the information — phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, additional website addresses, and even contact names — that people expect to find here.

In addition, effectively providing contact information for mobile users means serving up that information on a silver platter. Making it easy for mobile users to reach your business in multiple ways is key.

Remember: Mobile customers don’t want to have to work too hard to reach you or find you.

Your phone number should be quick and easy to find, and linked so mobile users can just tap their screens to call you.

If you have your physical address in your website’s footer, you may want to consider some additional options. Provide links to maps and location finders, so mobile users are just a screen tap away from finding you.



Mobile users are likely to share your information on the fly, but they’ll do so even more if you tell them to do it – and then show them how.

Create alerts that remind mobile users to share and tell their friends, sign up for future notices, etc. If you count on your visitors signing up and sharing on their own, you’re won’t get very high conversion rates.

• Make sure you have text-friendly links that mobile users can send to friends.

• Encourage check-ins and inviting friends to meet at your location.

 • Provide share buttons for various social media channels so mobile users can quickly share your information.


Social media and mobile users go hand-in-hand (literally). It’s up to you to make it easier for them to find you and take advantage of your offers.

If you’d like some help creating mobile strategies that lead customers to your door via social media, just call Filament!

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